Filtering by Category: "V" Shaped Habit

Andropogon gerardii 'Red October'


Big Bluestem

Wow, the color . . . the foliage starts a deep green with red highlights in the spring and increasingly gets redder as fall approaches. Once you get a frost the foliage turns candy-apple-red. The leaves are narrow with an upright habit. Native and is drought tolerant once established.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 60-72" tall x 36" wide
Bloom: Summer
Hardiness: Zone 3
Patent: PP#26283
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Nativar

#3 - $16.85 (1-9); $15.55 (10-24); $15.30 (25+)

Miscanthus sinensis 'Gracillimus'


Maiden Grass

This is a narrow leaved, graceful, upright grass with a vase-shaped habit. The coppery colored flowers appear in the fall and persist into winter. Perfectly suitable as a specimen plant or in groupings. Performs best in full sun.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 72" tall x 36" wide
Bloom: Fall
Color: Copper
Hardiness: Zone 5
Characteristics: Deer Resistant

#3 - $16.85 (1-9); $15.55 (10-24); $15.30 (25+)

Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light'

Maiden Grass

Very attractive, narrow foliage is so finely variegated with white that it appears silver from a distance. Forms an upright, gracefully arching clump. Reddish bronze flowers usually start in October then dry to a fuzzy cream color.

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Size: 60" tall x 36" wide
Bloom: Fall
Color: Red Brown/Cream
Hardiness: Zone 5
Characteristics: Deer Resistant

#3 - $16.85 (1-9); $15.55 (10-24); $15.30 (25+)

Miscanthus sinensis 'Strictus'


Porcupine Grass

A showy, upright grass with light green leaves marked with wide, bright yellow, horizontal bands. The leaves are stiff and upward-pointing. Foliage is topped by bronze flowers, which dry to fuzzy tan. Prefers moist, fertile soil and full sun.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 60" tall x 36" wide
Bloom: Fall
Color: Bronze
Hardiness: Zone 4
Characteristics: Deer Resistant

#3 - $16.85 (1-9); $15.55 (10-24); $15.30 (25+)

Miscanthus sinensis 'Variegatus'


Variegated Japanese Silver Grass

A striking grass with wide leaves striped with white. A popular grass, it forms 4-6' loose arching clumps. The pinkish-copper flower heads rise another 1' above the foliage in early fall. Will tolerate a light amount of shade.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 72" tall x 36" wide
Bloom: Fall
Color: Pink/Copper
Hardiness: Zone 4
Characteristics: Deer Resistant

#3 - $16.85 (1-9); $15.55 (10-24); $15.30 (25+)

Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus'


Maiden Grass

This popular grass is distinguished by its large, arching foliage with horizontal bands. Reddish-bronze plumes in September. Excellent specimen plant or planted in mass.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 84-96" tall x 36" wide
Bloom: Summer - Fall
Color: Reddish-Bronze
Hardiness: Zone 5
Characteristics: Deer Resistant

#3 - $16.85 (1-9); $15.55 (10-24); $15.30 (25+)