Delosperma 'Hot Pink Wonder'


Hardy Ice Plant

Very large hot pink flowers with bright pink yellow centers, a fast growing plant with a very long bloom time. Great in containers or rock gardens. Heat and drought tolerant.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 6" tall x 20" wide
Bloom: Summer
Color: Yellow/Pink
Hardiness: Zone 5
Patent: PP#26157
Characteristics: Deer Resistant

Dianthus 'Fuchsia Fire'


Blue-green foliage with magenta pink flowers in early summer. Foliage has spicy fragrance, great in the front of the border. Improved compact foliage compared to ‘Fire Witch.’

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 5-6" tall x 12" wide
Bloom: Early Summer
Color: Pink
Hardiness: Zone 5

Patent: PP#32987
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting

Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Fire Witch'


Lovely, silvery blue dense foliage is covered with hot pink, slightly fringed flowers. The flowers have a sweet and spicy fragrance. Evergreen foliage makes a nice groud cover. Long bloom time.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 8" tall x 12" wide
Bloom: Spring - Summer
Color: Pink
Hardiness: Zone 3
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting

Dianthus 'Paint the Town Fuchsia'


3/4-1” wide, single fuchsia flowers with lavender centers and serrated petals. Flowers cover the foliage, with great heat tolerance.

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Size: 6-8" tall x 16-18" wide
Bloom: Early Summer - Early Fall
Color: Fuchsia
Hardiness: Zone 4
Patent: PP#28636
Characteristics: Deer Resistant/ Cut Flower/ Deer and Rabbit Resistant

Dianthus 'Paint the Town Magenta'


Super bright vibrant magenta-pink flowers that completely cover the blue foliage when it’s in full bloom. Great heat tolerance.

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Size: 6-8" tall x 16-18" wide
Bloom: Early Summer - Early Fall
Color: Magenta Pink
Hardiness: Zone 4
Patent: PP#29222
Characteristics: Deer Resistant/ Cut Flower/ Deer and Rabbit Resistant

Dicentra spectabilis

Bleeding Heart

This popular late spring bloomer has an upright, round growth habit. The attractive pink and white heart shaped flowers swing gracefully from arching stems. Plants will go dormant in summer and a filler plant may be needed in the garden.

Exposure: Part Shade to Full Shade
Size: 24" tall x 12" wide
Bloom: Late Spring
Color: Pink/White
Hardiness: Zone 2
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower

Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba'

Bleeding Heart

A white flowering version of Dicentra spectabilis, with lighter green foliage than the rest of the species. Will also go dormant in summer. 

Exposure: Part Shade to Full Shade
Size: 24" tall x 12" wide
Bloom: Late Spring
Color: White
Hardiness: Zone 2
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower

Dicentra spectabilis 'Hordival' Valentine

Bleeding Heart

This dicentra has lovely deep red stems, with bright red flowers and white tips. Forms a robust clump in the spring with the lovely arching flowers in the late spring. Will go dormant in the summer.

Exposure: Part Shade to Full Shade
Size: 30" tall x 30" wide
Bloom: Late Spring
Color: Red/White
Hardiness: Zone 3
Patent: PP#22739
Characteristics: Deer Resistant

Digitalis purpurea 'Dalmation Peach'


Strong growth habit, extremely showy with pure flower colors, this perennial type of Digitalis blooms in early summer. Forms a compact clump. Great cut flower.

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Size: 24-36" tall x 12-24" wide
Bloom: Early Summer
Color: Peach
Hardiness: Zone 4
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting

Digitalis purpurea 'Dalmation Purple'


Strong growth habit, extremely showy with pure flower colors, this perennial type of Digitalis blooms in early summer. Forms a compact clump. Great cut flower.

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Size: 24-36" tall x 12-24" wide
Bloom: Early Summer
Color: Purple
Hardiness: Zone 4
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting

Digitalis purpurea 'Dalmation Rose'


Strong growth habit, extremely showy with pure flower colors, this perennial type of Digitalis blooms in early summer. Forms a compact clump. Great cut flower.

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Size: 24-36" tall x 12-24" wide
Bloom: Early Summer
Color: Rose
Hardiness: Zone 4
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting

Digitalis purpurea 'Dalmation White'


Strong growth habit, extremely showy with pure flower colors, this perennial type of Digitalis blooms in early summer. Forms a compact clump. Great cut flower.

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Size: 24-36" tall x 12-24" wide
Bloom: Early Summer
Color: White
Hardiness: Zone 4
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting

Digitalis 'Pink Panther'


Sturdy, upright stems with vibrant rose pink flowers. Well branched producing multiple long lasting flower spikes on each plant.

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Size: 18-24" tall x 18" wide
Bloom: Mid Summer to Early Fall
Color: Rose Pink
Hardiness: Zone 5
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting

Echinacea purpurea


This native butterfly magnet is easy to grow. Large rose pink reflexed flowers with gold centers sit above the leafy green foliage. Drought tolerant once established.

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Size: 24-36" tall x 18-24" wide
Bloom: Summer
Color: Rose/Pink
Hardiness: Zone 4
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting, Native

Echinacea purpurea 'Pow Wow White'


Nice compact and well branched plant with large pure white flowers and a yellow cone. This echinacea is fast to flower and very floriferous.

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Size: 18-24" tall x 15" wide
Bloom: Summer
Color: White
Hardiness: Zone 3
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting, Nativar

Echinacea purpurea 'Pow Wow Wild Berry'


An award winning echinacea that is compact and well branched. Large, deep, near magenta flowers bloom all summer without deadheading.

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Size: 18-24" tall x 15" wide
Bloom: Summer
Color: Deep Pink
Hardiness: Zone 3
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting, Nativar

Echinacea x hybrida 'Artisan Soft Orange'


This variety was selected for it’s uniform growth habit, vibrantly colored flowers and well branched habit. Loved by pollinators. Low maintenance with a long bloom time. Deadheading will prolong flowering.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 24-34" tall x 10-25" wide
Bloom: Late Spring to Late Summer
Color: Soft Orange
Hardiness: Zone 4
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting, Nativar

Echinacea x hybrida 'Artisan Red Ombre'


This variety was selected for it’s uniform growth habit, vibrantly colored flowers and well branched habit. Loved by pollinators. Low maintenance with a long bloom time. Deadheading will prolong flowering.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 24-34" tall x 10-25" wide
Bloom: Late Spring to Late Summer
Color: Red
Hardiness: Zone 4
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting, Nativar

Echinacea x hybrida 'Artisan Yellow Ombre'


This variety was selected for it’s uniform growth habit, vibrantly colored flowers and well branched habit. Loved by pollinators. Low maintenance with a long bloom time. Deadheading will prolong flowering.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 24-34" tall x 10-25" wide
Bloom: Late Spring to Late Summer
Color: Yellow
Hardiness: Zone 4
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting, Nativar

Echinacea x hybrida 'Cheyenne Spirit'


This echinacea has an excellent color range including; red, orange, purple, scarlet, yellow, cream and white. It is well branched which allows more flowers per plant. An All-American Selection Winner for 2015. 

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 18-30" tall x 10-20" wide
Bloom: Summer - Early Fall
Color: Multi-colored
Hardiness: Zone 4
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting, Nativar