Eupatorium dubium 'Little Joe'

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Joe Pye Weed

Shorter version of the native Joe Pye Weed. Fall bloomer that handles just about any soil. Nice for the back of a border. Mauve pink flowers.

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Size: 36-48" tall x 18" wide
Bloom: Late Summer - Early Fall
Hardiness: Zone 5
Patent: PP#16122
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting, Nativar

Eupatorium purpureum ssp. maculatum 'Gateway'


Joe Pye Weed

Talk about a butterfly magnet, this Joe Pye Weed makes quite the statement in the garden. Huge mauve-pink flowers starting in late summer sit above the green foliage. Likes a moist fertile soil.

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Size: 60-72" tall x 36-48" wide
Bloom: Late Summer - Fall
Color: Mauve-Pink
Hardiness: Zone 4
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting, Nativar

Galium odoratum


Sweet Woodruff

Attractive, light green, fragrant foliage is an excellent ground cover for shady areas. Small clusters of tiny cross shaped flowers appear in late spring. Very vigorous spreader.

Exposure: Full Sun to Full Shade
Size: 9" tall x 15" wide
Bloom: Late Spring
Color: White
Hardiness: Zone 4
Characteristics: Deer Resistant

Gaura lindheimeri 'Belleza Dark Pink'

Wand Flower

Compact and well branched plant with dark pink flowers. The Foliage is dark green leaves splashed with red.

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Size: 12-18" tall x 14-16" wide
Bloom: Early Summer - Early Fall
Color: Dark Pink
Hardiness: Zone 6
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting, Nativar

Gaura lindheimeri 'Belleza White'

Wand Flower

Compact and well branched plant with white flowers. The foliage is dark green leaves splashed with red.

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Size: 12-18" tall x 14-16" wide
Bloom: Early Summer - Early Fall
Color: White
Hardiness: Zone 6
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting, Nativar

Gaura lindheimeri 'Pink Fountain'


Wand Flower

Beautiful pink flowers with a white blush on the tips of this dense plant. More lateral branching than other species of gaura.

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Size: 36" tall x 24" wide
Bloom: Summer - Fall
Color: Pink
Hardiness: Zone 5
Patent: PP#15555
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting, Nativar

Gaura lindheimeri 'Snow Fountain'

Wand Flower

The exceptionally long bloom time makes this an excellent choice for commercial landscapes. Masses of flowers on dense, compact plants are also useful in containers. Drought tolerant once established. Gaura prefer well drained soil.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 30" tall x 24" wide
Bloom: Summer - Fall
Color: White
Hardiness: Zone 5
Patent: PP#19376
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting, Nativar

Geranium 'Rozanne'


A very long bloomer, with violet-blue flowers from spring until frost. Heat tolerant with a sprawling growth habit. Brownish red foliage in the fall makes a beautiful display. Perennial Plant of the Year for 2008.

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Size: 36" tall x 28" wide
Bloom: Late Spring - Fall
Color: Violet/Blue
Hardiness: Zone 5
Patent: PP#12175
Characteristics: Deer Resistant

Geranium sanguineum 'Max Frei'


A long blooming geranium with deep magenta flowers, likes partial shade. Makes a great ground cover.

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Size: 10" tall x 24" wide
Bloom: Late Spring
Color: Magenta
Hardiness: Zone 3
Characteristics: Deer Resistant

Helianthus salicifolius 'Autumn Gold'

Willow leaf Sunflower

Green willow-like leaves are covered with tons of bright yellow flowers in the fall. Very showy for late season color. Flowers last until first hard frost.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 24" tall x 24" wide
Bloom: Fall to Late Fall
Hardiness: Zone 5
Patent: PP#30117
Characteristics: Attracts Butterflies, Nativar

Heliopsis helianthoides 'Summer Eclipse'

False Sunflower

Great compact heliopsis with dark burgundy-green leaves. Bright orange-yellow bicolor flowers that bloom from early summer into fall.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 24-30" tall x 24-30" wide
Bloom: Summer to Late Summer
Color: Orange-yellow
Hardiness: Zone 4
Characteristics: Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting, Nativar

Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra 'Bleeding Hearts'


False Sunflowers

Dark purple foliage with black stems looks awesome with the fire red-orange flowers. Sturdy upright habit with a long bloom time.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 36-48" tall x 12-18" wide
Bloom: Summer - Fall
Color: Red/Orange
Hardiness: Zone 3
Characteristics: Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting, Nativar

Heliopsis helianthoides 'Venus'

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False Sunflowers

Non-stop, 3-5” huge golden yellow flowers from late summer until frost. Plant is clump forming with strong stems. A great cut flower. Drought tolerant once established.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 40" tall x 24" wide
Bloom: Summer - Fall
Color: Yellow
Hardiness: Zone 3
Characteristics: Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting, Nativar

Heuchera 'Caramel'


Coral Bells

Beautiful golden-orange leaves turn to a pretty apricot in warmer weather. A vigorous grower that is tolerant to heat and humidity.

Exposure: Part Shade
Size: 18" tall x 18" wide
Bloom: Spring
Hardiness: Zone 3
Patent: PP#16560
Characteristics: Deer Resistant

Heuchera 'Electric Plum'

Coral Bells

The spring foliage emerges near black and lightens to an intense purple with black veins. Bright fuchsia-pink dainty flowers.

Exposure: Full Sun to Full Shade
Size: 8-10" tall x 16-18" wide
Bloom: Mid Summer
Hardiness: Zone 4
Patent: PP#29924
Characteristics: Deer Resistant

Heuchera 'Forever Purple'

Coral Bells

The name says it all on this heuchera, it is forever purple! The leaves are glossy with fluted edges that hold their color all four seasons. Very vigorous.

Exposure: Part Shade to Full Shade
Size: 12" tall x 22" wide
Bloom: Summer
Hardiness: Zone 4
Patent: PPAF
Characteristics: Deer Resistant

Heuchera 'Forever Red'

Coral Bells

Wow, is this heuchera red! A very Vigorous grower with somewhat ruffled leaves that are the reddest in spring and fall.

Exposure: Full Sun to Full Shade
Size: 7" tall x 14" wide
Bloom: Summer
Hardiness: Zone 4
Patent: PPAF
Characteristics: Deer Resistant

Heuchera 'Lemon Love'

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Coral Bells

A very vigorous habit with slightly ruffled chartreuse leaves. Color is more lime green in the deep shade. Cream flowers.

Exposure: Part Shade to Full Shade
Size: 10-14" tall x 28-32" wide
Bloom: Mid Summer
Hardiness: Zone 4
Patent: PP#31223
Characteristics: Deer Resistant