Heuchera micrantha 'Palace Purple'

Coral Bells

This heuchera combines dark purplish, ivy leaf foliage with airy clusters of tiny, bell-shaped flowers on a wiry stem in early summer. The plant has a mounded shape that is perfect along edges or borders. Requires good drainage.

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Size: 18" tall x 18" wide
Bloom: Early Summer
Color: White
Hardiness: Zone 4
Characteristics: Deer Resistant

Heuchera 'Primo Wild Rose'

Coral Bells

Bright rosy-purple leaves with deep charcoal gray veining. Rosy-pink flowers.

Exposure: Full Sun to Full Shade
Size: 8-10" tall x 18-20" wide
Bloom: Mid Summer
Hardiness: Zone 4
Patent: PP#29923
Characteristics: Deer Resistant

Heuchera 'Timeless Night'

Coral Bells

Very stunning, shiny black leaves that keep their color throughout the season. Bred in Michigan by Walters Gardens to best suit our climate.

Exposure: Full Sun to Full Shade
Size: 8-10" tall x 16-18" wide
Bloom: Early Summer
Color: Pink
Hardiness: Zone 4
Patent: PP#32134
Characteristics: Deer Resistant

Heucherella 'Pink Revolution'

Foamy Bells

This Heucherella produces an extreme amount of bubblegum pink flowers in the spring. The foliage has bright green leaves with burgundy veins.

Exposure: Part Shade to Full Shade
Size: 16-20" tall x 12-14" wide
Bloom: Late Spring
Color: Pink
Hardiness: Zone 4
Patent: PPAF
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting

Hibiscus 'Candy Crush'

Rose Mallow

Love the color of this hibiscus. Bright bubblegum pink with near-black, dark red eye are super showy against the bright green leaves.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 48-54" tall x 48-54" wide
Bloom: Mid Summer - Early Fall
Color: Pink
Hardiness: Zone 4
Patent: PP#32587
Characteristics: Deer Resistant,

Hibiscus 'Cookies and Cream'

Rose Mallow

Very striking bright white 6-7” flowers appear in midsummer against matte black foliage. A very compact Hibiscus variety.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 30-36" tall x 42-48" wide
Bloom: Mid Summer - Early Fall
Color: White
Hardiness: Zone 4
Patent: PPAF
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Attracts Butterflies and Hummingbirds

Hibiscus 'Dark Mystery'

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Rose Mallow

The large 8-9” flowers are white with cherry red eye and dark pink veining. Dark heart-shaped, wine purple leaves.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 60-66" tall x 60-66" wide
Bloom: Mid Summer - Early Fall
Color: White/ Red eye
Hardiness: Zone 4
Patent: PPAF
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower

Hibiscus 'Edge of Night'

Rose Mallow

Very compact Hibiscus with 7-8” bubblegum pink flowers with dark pink veining. Jet black foliage is striking against the flowers.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 36-42" tall x 48-52" wide
Bloom: Mid Summer - Early Fall
Color: Pink
Hardiness: Zone 4
Patent: PP#34359
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Attracts Butterflies and Hummingbirds

Hibiscus 'Mars Madness'

Rose Mallow

Dark, olive-green leaves with coppery highlights have huge 6-8" magenta flowers. This variety flowers later than others.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 48-54" tall x 60" wide
Bloom: Summer
Color: Magenta
Hardiness: Zone 4
Patent: PP#27838
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower

Hibiscus 'Midnight Marvel'

Rose Mallow

This hibiscus is a real show stopper with its striking purple foliage and 8-9" scarlet red flowers. A nice compact habit with a long bloom time.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 48" tall x 36" wide
Bloom: Summer - Early Fall
Color: Red
Hardiness: Zone 4
Patent: PP#24079
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower

Hibiscus 'Starry Starry Night'


Rose Mallow

The Darkest foliage to date make the pale pink flowers with a darker pink speckling and veining really pop. It is a definite must have in the garden. Broad, maple-like leaves.

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Size: 40-48" tall x 60" wide
Bloom: Summer - Early Fall
Color: Pink
Hardiness: Zone 4
Patent: PP#27901
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower

Hibiscus moscheutos

Rose Mallow

This native perennial has large flowers that are creamy white or pink with a dark eye. Flowers only last 1-2 days but are prolific rebloomers. Like a moist or wet soil.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 36-84" tall x 24-48" wide
Bloom: Mid Summer to Early Fall
Color: White or Pink
Hardiness: Zone 5
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Native

Hibiscus 'Summer in Paradise'

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Rose Mallow

Huge 7-8” hot cerise red flowers are produced from top to bottom of the plant. The foliage has maple-like leaves that are medium green.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 36-42" tall x 42-48" wide
Bloom: Summer - Early Fall
Color: Red
Hardiness: Zone 4
Patent: PP#28730
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting

Hypericum calycinum


St. John’s-Wort

Oblong leaves are gray-green on top and have a silver-whitish tint underneath. A stoloniferous plant with vigorous ground cover characteristics. Very interesting, large, yellow flower that bloom through most of the summer.

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Size: 18" tall x 24" wide
Bloom: Summer
Color: Yellow
Hardiness: Zone 5
Characteristics: Deer Resistant

Iris ensata 'Variegata'

Japanese Iris

An eye catching cream and green vertical variegation that holds bright throughout the season. Japanese Iris are late to bloom, and have long lasting, large blooms in an array of colors that make great cut flowers. The flowers are larger than Siberian Iris, and they typically start blooming when Siberian Iris start slowing down.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 36" tall x 18" wide
Bloom: Summer
Color: Purple/Blue
Hardiness: Zone 4
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting

Iris sibirica 'Caesar's Brother'

Siberian Iris

Clumps of blue-green leaves form a nice upright v-shaped plant. Flowers are dark blue. Likes a moist rich soil.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 36" tall x 24" wide
Bloom: Summer
Color: Dark Blue
Hardiness: Zone 4
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly Attracting

Iris versicolor

Blue Flag Iris

Native to marshes, this is a great plant for boggy areas or around ponds. Prefers slightly acidic soil that does not get completely dry. Blooms in early summer.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 36" tall x 24" wide
Bloom: Early Summer
Color: Blue
Hardiness: Zone 3
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting

Isotoma 'Blue Star Creeper'

Blue Star Creeper

This long blooming, moss-like plant has masses of light blue flowers. Excellent ground cover.

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Size: 2" tall x 12" wide
Bloom: Summer - Fall
Color: Light Blue
Hardiness: Zone 5
Characteristics: Deer Resistant

Kniphofia hirsuta 'Fire Dance'

Red Hot Poker

A very hardy, shorter variety of kniphofia with coral red and yellow flowers. The flower spikes sit atop the clump forming narrow blue-green foliage.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 20" tall x 24" wide
Bloom: Summer
Color: Coral Red/Yellow
Hardiness: Zone 4
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly Attracting

Kniphofia 'Jokers Wild'

Red Hot Poker

Grass-like foliage form a compact clump topped with deep orange flowers. An excellent perennial for the middle of a border.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 36-42" tall x 24-28" wide
Bloom: Summer
Color: Orange
Hardiness: Zone 5
Patent: PP#32263
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Attracts Butterflies and Hummingbirds