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Nepeta 'Chartreuse on the Loose'


The bright chartreuse foliage is quite striking, covered with lavender blue flowers. Will continue to produce flowers without being cut back.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 12-14" tall x 20-24" wide
Bloom: Early Summer to Early Fall
Color: Blue
Hardiness: Zone 3
Patent: PPAF
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting

Nepeta faassenii 'Blue Wonder'


This shorter nepeta is good for front of the border planting. Gray-green, aromatic foliage is covered with flowers most of the summer.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 12-15" tall x 12" wide
Bloom: Summer
Color: Blue
Hardiness: Zone 3
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting

Nepeta 'Neptune'


A truly dwarf Nepeta that produces large blue flowers that bloom all summer through the fall. Dense, upright and never floppy foliage.

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Size: 8-12" tall x 8-10" wide
Bloom: Summer - Early Fall
Color: Blue
Hardiness: Zone 3
Patent: PP#29556
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting

Nepeta 'Summer Magic'


The non-stop flowers of this nepeta are on upright stems that don’t flop. Gray-green foliage is durable and relatively pest free.

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Size: 15-18" tall x 15-18" wide
Bloom: Summer - Early Fall
Color: Lavender-blue
Hardiness: Zone 4
Patent: PP#27090
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Cut Flower, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting

Nepeta x faassenii 'Walker's Low'


A rampant bloomer with lavender-blue flowers from April through fall. Has small, gray-green aromatic leaves. Its neat form makes a perfect border or edging plant. Perennial Plant of the Year for 2007.

Exposure: Full Sun
Size: 36" tall x 36" wide
Bloom: Late Spring - Fall
Color: Lavender/Blue
Hardiness: Zone 3
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Butterfly/Hummingbird Attracting