Hosta sieboldiana 'Blue Angel'



Another large blue hosta, the heart shaped leave on this plant are huge. Attractive, white flowers on 48" stems.

Exposure: Part Shade to Full Shade
Size: 36" tall x 48" wide
Bloom: Summer
Color: White
Hardiness: Zone 3
Characteristics: Cut Flower

#1 - $6.35 (1-9); $5.35 (10-24); $5.10 (25+)
#2 - $9.35 (1-9); $8.35 (10-24); $8.10 (25+)

Hosta tardiana 'Halcyon'



A late blooming hosta with gorgeous, heart shaped, steel blue leaves. Low growth habit makes it a perfect edging or border plant. A very handsome blue for the shade garden.

Exposure: Part Shade to Full Shade
Size: 15" tall x 36" wide
Bloom: Summer
Color: Light Purple
Hardiness: Zone 3
Characteristics: Cut Flower

#1 - $7.35 (1-9); $6.35 (10-24); $6.10 (25+)

Hosta 'Neptune'



A unique hosta with narrow wedge shaped leaves that have rippled edges. Forms a lovely cascading clump. Lavender flowers.

Exposure: Part Shade to Full Shade
Size: 24" tall x 47" wide
Bloom: Summer
Color: Lavender
Hardiness: Zone 3
Patent: PP#19674
Characteristics: Cut Flower

#1 - $8.35 (1-9); $7.35 (10-24); $7.10 (25+)