Diverse & Durable: sEDUMs
Dwarf/Creeping Sedum
Easy to grow, low maintenance plants
Great in containers
Likes a sunny location
Drought tolerant once established, needs good drainage
Does not like a lot of fertilizer, does well in poor soil
Spreads slowly making a nice groundcover for sunny locations
Looks great along the edge of walls, sidewalks and draping over rocks
A go-to plant for wall gardens and roof gardens
Tall/Upright Sedum
Likes sunny weather
Drought tolerant, needs good drainage
Does not like a lot of fertilizer, does well in poor soil
Great in containers
Does not spread, but when planted in mass makes a beautiful tough groundcover
Attractive from bud through dried stage, flowers stay standing throughout the winter
Blossoms attract butterflies
Easy to grow
Low maintenance